Weaving activites Archive

The more we love, the more we preserve

This is the spirit of those who love weaving. He tries to find a way to preserve the weaving tradition and try to create beautiful natural colors without harming consumers. These are considerations for the well-being of consumers. We hope that the children will enjoy and love the Khmer weaving culture and participate in promoting …


វិស័យតម្បាញតាមបែប ប្រពៃណីខ្មែរជាការងារ ដ៏ស្មុកស្មាញនិងលំបាក យ៉ាងខ្លាំងក្នុងដំណើរការ និមួយៗនិងទាមទារនូវ ភាពអំណត់ក្នុងការតាមដាន និងកែលំអរគ្រប់ដំណាក់ការ។ ក្នុងនោះផងដែរបុរសក៏បាន​ដើរតួនាទីដ៏សំខាន់ផងដែរ ចំពោះការងារជ្រលក់ពណ៌ និងការងារបន្ទាប់បន្សំខ្លះទៀត ដើម្បីជួយដល់ស្ត្រី។ ពេលខ្លះបុរសឈានដល់ការចងគោម និងត្បាញក៏មានផងដែរ ប៉ុន្តែមិនសូវមានមានច្រើននោះទេ បើប្រៀបធៀបជាមួយស្ត្រី។ ដំណើរការងារតម្បាញខ្លះបុរសអាចធ្វើបានល្អជាងស្ត្រីដូចជាការងារប្រើកំលាំងជាដើមដែលរួមមានការលើកដាក់នៅពេលប្រម៉ោក ជ្រលក់ពណ៌ បោកគាត និងពេលខ្លះរហូតដល់ត្បាញផង។ កម្លាំងនៃការត្បាញរបស់បុរសខ្លាំងជាងស្ត្រី និងសាច់ក្រណាត់ក្រាស់ និងហាប់ជាងស្ត្រី។ ដូចនេះបុរសក៏បានរួមចំណែកមួយដ៏មានសារៈសំខាន់ផងដែរក្នុងការចូលរួមលើកកំពស់គុណតម្លៃប្រពៃណីតម្បាញហូលខ្មែរ។ កីខ្មែរសូមចូលរួមលើកទឹកចិត្ត និងផ្តល់នូវតម្លៃនៃការសហការគ្នារវាងស្ត្រី និងបុរសក្នុងការបន្តថែរក្សានូវស្នាដៃតម្បាញរបស់ខ្មែរ។

Khmer Traditional Weaving Process

A piece of ikat fabric is combined by warp and weft to weave as a pattern or story. Each process took time and patient to do it in all steps of spinning, warping, designing, dyeing, tying, and weaving in the last process to become a fabric. Tying and dyeing with natural color Woven from ancient …

Weavers’ Follow-up

We visited weavers to see more detail about their weaving activities and wanted to see their difficulties in designing, dyeing and weaving. We have tried to find out their difficulties and assisted them to process their work smoothly and wanted to make friendly with them. This is the main objective that we have worked together …

STYLE Bangkok On April 17, 2019

Kei Khmer Community will attend in STYLE BANGKOK  (April 17-21, 2019) to promote Khmer traditional textile of hand-woven ikat cloth. Many kinds of natural dyeing products will be displayed in the fair. We will introduce our traditional weaving skills of Khmer loom in the exhibition. These are our weaving cloth and other designs from Kei …

Dyeing Cotton Yarn with Lac Khmer “Red”

Lac Khmer is the natural dyeing thing that Khmer people use it in dyeing and old traditional wedding ceremony. Some province, they have followed the traditional ceremony of grinding Lac Khmer in their wedding ceremony. Weaver used Lac Khmer to dye red. These are the process of weaver use Lac Khmer to dye cotton yarn. …

Pidan Displayed in Pagoda

Pidan is a traditional pictorial ikat cloth that Cambodian people produce it to donate to the monk in Pagoda. Most pidans were designed as a part of Buddhist story, previous lives of Buddha and a selected set of main story in the last of Buddhist life. Some pidans had the name of people in the …