The beautiful and powerful animal

Code     : IKN20045New Color     : Natural dyeing Year       : May 2021 Community: @ Kei Khmer Description:  The pattern is made from Khmer traditional pattern of Naga and Hamsa with flower plants. Kei Khmer produced the pattern from natural dying of Khmer traditional colors in our community.

Beautiful Peacock in Himalayas

It is called Pidan for wall hanging. In the photo below, you can see the central field of peacock motif with the three different tails opened to display the eyes. Naga, Lion, and fish are also included in this pattern. The fish and Naga are innovated to promote design of our master weaver. Peacock is …

Follow up weaver

New designs and colors of natural dyeing were produced to promote weaving work in Covid-19 situation. We cooperated with weavers to find new and creation to find more market to support weaving work.

New Design 44

Code     : IKN20044New Color     : Natural dyeing Year       : April 2021 Community: @ Kei Khmer Description:  The pattern is made from Khmer traditional pattern. Kei Khmer produced the pattern from natural dying of Lac Khmer, Prohout, Annatto seed, and Ebony fruit.

Ikat Fabric in Covid-19 Situation

This is a tense job that forces Kei Khmer community to produce at a loss and with few customers. This work has lasted for a long time from mid-2020 until the end of April 2021 and is still in crisis, with the closure of Phnom Penh due to the Covid-19 disease. The closure in April …

សូមអនុមោទនាបុណ្យវិសាខបូជា !!!

នេះជាការផ្សារភ្ជាប់នូវប្រពៃណី និងជំនឿតាមបែបព្រះពុទ្ធ សាសនា។ ដោយក្តីស្រលាញ់ និងគោរពបូជាចំពោះ សាសនាព្រះពុទ្ធ សហគមន៍កីខ្មែរ សូមចូលរួមលើកស្ទួយនូវ វប្បធម៌តម្បាញតាមបែប ព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនា និងសូមជ្រះថ្លាចំពោះបុណ្យវិសាខបូជា ដែលរំលឹកនូវភាពអស្ចារ្យបីយ៉ាងក្នុងព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនាគឺ ព្រះអង្គប្រសូត្រ ព្រះអង្គត្រាស់ដឹង និងព្រះអង្គយាងចូលបរិនិព្វាន។ ទាំងនេះជាការចូលរួម និងការបង្ហាញនូវការព្យាយាមរបស់អ្នកតម្បាញកីខ្មែរ បើទោះបីជាស្ថិតក្នុងស្ថានភាពលំបាកខ្លាំង និងមិនសូវទទួលបាននូវការគាំទ្រវប្បធម៌តម្បាញតាមបែបធម្មជាតិពីបុរាណរបស់ខ្មែរក៏ដោយ ក៏ពួកយើងព្យាយាមតាមលទ្ធភាពដែលអាចធ្វើទៅបាន ដើម្បីបន្សល់នូវស្នាដៃនេះដល់កូនចៅជំនាន់ក្រោយបានស្គាល់ និងយល់នូវការលះបង់ពេលវេលាដ៍យូរក្នុងការផលិតម៉ូត១ដែលទាមទារពេលវេលារហូតដល់ប្រហែលមួយឆ្នាំក្នុងការផលិតម៉ូតវិសាខបូជានេះឡើង។ កីខ្មែរសូមថ្លែងអំណរអរគុណនូវអ្នកគាំទ្រសហគមន៍កីខ្មែរក្នុងការផលិតហូលបុរាណ និងហូលពិតានបែបព្រះបទនេះ។ កីខ្មែរសូមចូលរួមលើកស្ទួយ និងទទួលនូវការរិះគន់ដើម្បីស្ថាបនានូវការងារនេះ។ សូមអរគុណ


Code     : IKN20047 Color     : Natural dyeing Year       : March 2021 Community: @ Kei Khmer Description:  The pattern is made from Khmer traditional pattern of star pattern. We produced the pattern from natural dying of Lac Khmer, Prohout, Annatto seed, and Ebony fruit.

Peacock with her babies

Code     : IKN21047 Color     : Natural dyeing Year       : February 2021 Community: @ Kei Khmer Description:  The pattern is made from Khmer traditional pattern of Peacock with her babies . We produced the pattern from natural dying of Lac Khmer, Prohout, Annatto seed, and Ebony fruit.

Small Neak with Flowers

Code     : IKN20046 Color     : Natural dyeing Year       : February 2021 Community: @ Kei Khmer Description:  The pattern is made from Khmer traditional pattern of Small neak and flowers design . We produced the pattern from natural dying of Lac Khmer, Prohout, Annatto seed, and Ebony fruit.

Small Neak Design

Code     : IKN21045 Color     : Natural dyeing Year       : November 2021 Community: @ Kei Khmer Description:  The pattern is made from Khmer traditional pattern of small neak design with other patterns . We produced the pattern from natural dying of Lac Khmer, Prohout, Annatto seed, and Ebony fruit.